The Ultimate Guide to Mixing with Whiskey

Whiskey, with its rich, complex flavors, is a versatile spirit that forms the backbone of many classic cocktails. In this guide, we’ll explore the art of mixing with whiskey, including what to mix with it, drink recipes to try at home, and suggestions on the best whiskey brands for mixing.

What to Mix with Whiskey

The ingredients you choose to mix with whiskey can enhance its inherent flavors or introduce delightful contrasts. Here are some popular mixers and how they complement different types of whiskey:

  • Ginger Ale or Ginger Beer: Adds a spicy fizz that complements the whiskey’s warmth.
  • Soda Water: Offers a simple way to dilute and refresh, letting the whiskey’s flavors shine.
  • Cola: A classic mixer that brings sweetness and a caramel depth.
  • Vermouth: Key in many cocktails, it adds herbal or sweet notes depending on whether you choose dry or sweet vermouth.
  • Bitters: A few dashes can add complexity and depth, enhancing the whiskey’s character.
  • Citrus Juices: Lemon or lime juice adds acidity and brightness, balancing the whiskey’s richness.
  • Simple Syrup or Honey: Provides sweetness to soften stronger whiskey flavors.
  • Herbs and Spices: Mint, thyme, or cinnamon can introduce aromatic layers to your cocktail.

Whiskey Drink Recipes to Try

1. Classic Whiskey Sour

  • Ingredients: 2 oz bourbon, 3/4 oz fresh lemon juice, 1/2 oz simple syrup, egg white (optional), and a cherry for garnish.
  • Method: Shake the bourbon, lemon juice, simple syrup, and egg white (if using) with ice. Strain into a rocks glass filled with ice and garnish with a cherry.

2. Old Fashioned

  • Ingredients: 2 oz rye or bourbon, a sugar cube, 2 dashes of Angostura bitters, a few dashes of plain water, and an orange peel for garnish.
  • Method: Muddle the sugar cube with bitters and water until dissolved. Add whiskey and ice, then stir well. Garnish with an orange peel.

3. Mint Julep

  • Ingredients: 2 oz bourbon, a handful of mint leaves, 1/2 oz simple syrup, and crushed ice.
  • Method: Muddle mint leaves with simple syrup in a julep cup. Add bourbon and fill the cup with crushed ice. Stir until the cup is frosted on the outside. Garnish with more mint.

Understanding Whiskey

Before diving into mixing, it’s essential to understand the types of whiskey available:

  • Bourbon: Known for its sweetness and full-bodied flavor.
  • Scotch: Offers a range of flavors from smoky and peaty to light and floral.
  • Rye: Spicier and fruitier than bourbon, with a distinct character.
  • Irish Whiskey: Typically smoother and lighter, with a notable creaminess.

Best Whiskey Brands for Mixing

Choosing the right whiskey brand for mixing depends on the cocktail you’re making and your taste preferences. Here are some versatile options:

  • For Bourbon Cocktails: Buffalo Trace and Maker’s Mark offer sweet profiles that blend well in mixed drinks.
  • For Scotch Cocktails: Johnnie Walker Black Label is a good choice for its balanced smokiness that can stand up to mixers.
  • For Rye Cocktails: Rittenhouse Rye and Bulleit Rye have the spiciness and complexity needed for cocktails like the Old Fashioned.
  • For Irish Whiskey Cocktails: Jameson is a smooth option that works well in lighter, sweeter cocktails.


Mixing with whiskey is an art that allows for endless creativity. Whether you’re crafting a cocktail that highlights the spirit’s complex flavors or creating a balanced drink with complementary mixers, the key is to start with quality ingredients. Experiment with different whiskey types and mixers to discover your favorite combinations. Remember, the best cocktail is the one that suits your taste the best. Cheers to exploring the diverse world of whiskey cocktails!

This guide provides a foundation for mixing with whiskey, offering both classic recipes and tips for choosing the right whiskey. Remember, the essence of a great cocktail lies in the quality of its components and the care put into its preparation.

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