Easy Dirty Shirley Cocktail Recipe

A whimsical illustration of a cheerful anthropomorphic cherry and lemon slice holding hands and diving into a sparkling, oversized Dirty Shirley cocktail, surrounded by jars of cherries and a festive backdrop of softly glowing fairy lights.# Easy Dirty Shirley Cocktail Recipe

The Dirty Shirley cocktail is an adult twist on the classic Shirley Temple. This delightful drink mixes the innocence of childhood with the sophistication of adulthood, making it an excellent choice for any casual gathering or a cozy night in. Whether you’re hosting a party or just looking to unwind after a long day, this easy Dirty Shirley cocktail recipe will add a splash of fun and nostalgia to your evening.

What is a Dirty Shirley?

The Dirty Shirley is essentially a Shirley Temple – the famous non-alcoholic drink made with ginger ale, grenadine, and garnished with a maraschino cherry – with the addition of vodka. The dirty part of the name comes from the vodka, turning the classic childhood beverage into a grown-up’s delight.


To make a Dirty Shirley, you’ll need the following ingredients:
– 1 ½ oz vodka
– 4 oz ginger ale, or lemon-lime soda for a sweeter taste
– ½ oz grenadine syrup
– Ice
– Maraschino cherries for garnish
– Lime wedge for garnish (optional)

Step-by-Step Recipe

1. Prepare Your Glass

Start by filling a highball glass or any large glass with ice. The ice will chill the drink and ensure it stays refreshing till the last sip.

2. Add the Vodka and Grenadine

Pour 1 ½ oz of vodka over the ice. Then, add ½ oz of grenadine syrup to the glass. Grenadine, which is a sweet red syrup made from pomegranates, gives the cocktail its signature color and sweetness.

3. Top with Ginger Ale or Lemon-Lime Soda

Gently top the mixture with about 4 oz of ginger ale or lemon-lime soda, depending on your preference. The soda adds a fizzy component to the drink, balancing the sweetness of the grenadine and the kick of the vodka.

4. Garnish and Serve

For the final touch, garnish your Dirty Shirley with a maraschino cherry or two. Adding a lime wedge on the rim of the glass is optional but recommended for an extra zing. Gently stir the cocktail before serving to mix the flavors.

Customizing Your Dirty Shirley

One of the joys of making cocktails at home is the ability to tweak them to your taste. Here are a few suggestions to customize your Dirty Shirley:
– For a stronger drink, increase the amount of vodka to 2 oz.
– Use club soda in place of ginger ale or lemon-lime soda if you prefer a less sweet cocktail.
– Add a splash of orange juice for a fruity variation.


The Dirty Shirley cocktail is a fun and easy drink that brings a grown-up twist to a childhood favorite. It’s perfect for those who enjoy sweet and fizzy beverages with a hint of nostalgia. With this simple recipe, you can whip up a refreshing Dirty Shirley in just a few minutes, making it ideal for impromptu gatherings or a relaxing night at home. Why not elevate your next cocktail hour with this delightful mix?

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